The GOP campaign over the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in schools rages on despite the fact that its critics don’t have the faintest idea what it is.
Hi, Steve! I absolutely agree with all you say and, having read the article in American Consequences, agree that Calhoun was way ahead of the curve and did things in a way that didn't alienate folks. CRT is that latest propaganda bogeyman that Republicans and Rufo have come up with the scare people into thinking that American exceptionalism means we didn't make any mistakes and everyone throughout our history only had good intentions. Your common sense writing (with a meaningful dash of sarcasm) always makes me think and smile. I hope you are continuing to do well! Best, Larry Sandomir
Hi, Steve! I absolutely agree with all you say and, having read the article in American Consequences, agree that Calhoun was way ahead of the curve and did things in a way that didn't alienate folks. CRT is that latest propaganda bogeyman that Republicans and Rufo have come up with the scare people into thinking that American exceptionalism means we didn't make any mistakes and everyone throughout our history only had good intentions. Your common sense writing (with a meaningful dash of sarcasm) always makes me think and smile. I hope you are continuing to do well! Best, Larry Sandomir
Thanks, Larry. Continuing to improve. Hug Chelsea for me!