This is awesome. So good I almost retired my own blog. But I figure the more of us writing and shouting about this the better. Keep up the great work. Glad I found *First Do No Harm* and happy to amplify your voice.

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Bravo! My exact assessment, Steve.

Fortunately, I could do most of this during my career with these conditions. Partially this was because I was a 'specialist' (Physics, math, Earth Science... with degrees in Physics and Astronomy, with certification at the High School level). That gave me the option of moving to another school almost at will. I did move from private school to public school and then back to private, and found that there could be 'small classes' in either place, with the opportunity to design your own curriculum in either place. This depended largely upon the Headmaster, or Superintendent. I often (but not always) found myself with an incompetent Department Chair, however I was usually hired by the guys above that level.

However, I'm not so sure 'pay' means more than an apple from a student. The greatest reward as a teacher is knowing that you made a difference in some student's life.

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Love this. Keep screaming! Maybe one day, some policymakers will listen. In TN, Gates-funded SCORE is driving the bus right off a cliff… and they keep telling us they have just the answer to correct course. Ugh.

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