Steve I cant say for sure but you might live under a rock. There is a great deal of anti semitism masking itself as pro Palestinian protests. The horseshoe theory is alive and well, reading your substack which i dont know why was on my feed in the first place helps me understand how the left cant see through there dirty glasses, probably way worse than right wing nuts. If you ever hear of a muslim attacked by a jewish protester let me know, But i can name you a dozen of jews who were attacked by these thugs. Do you not understand that hamas killed “jews”…leftists actually, like yourself people that wanted peace and now we have to make sure that jews are protected in their own homeland. I can only conclude you live under a rock playing msnbc and norman finkelstein on repeat all day

(also the hunger famine thing is a fabricated blood libel by your leftist buddies its been debunked 100 times over)

Pro Palestinian after oct 7 is anti semitism. It will get American jews killed….

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Why are you only blaming Republicans? I doubt Columbia or USC are bastions of Republicanism. And all but 43 Democrats joined the Republicans in voting against free speech. Not to say I don't appreciate those 43 (and yes, there were no Republicans), but 170 Democrats conflated Pro-Palestinian with antisemitism just like the Republicans.

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