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I'm puzzled that the only bullies you encounter seem to be Trump supporters, anti-vaxxers, and the like. My world's a bit different. I meet bullies on social media every day who despise Trump, take every pronouncement of Dr. Faucci as the word of God, and try to bit the head off anyone who expresses doubt or skepticism about the received word of the Biden Administration and Democratic Party.

One thing is clear about COVID, however: we've once again been maneuvered into focusing on how evil some subset of our fellow non-billionaire Americans is (regardless of which side of the controversy one is on). It's not enough to be vaccinated and masked: one must be a True Believer in whatever the whim of the day is, willing minimally to scream at anyone who isn't on the same side of the COVID divide as you. The more of that I see, the more skeptical I become about the philosophies, strategies, and tactics each side employs. I don't think either party or political philosophy has the market on bullying cornered. Not by a damn sight.

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